Monday, January 14, 2013

Keep it Simple

Mango pico de gallo on top of sesame seed veggie crackers;
Avocado with Himalayan sea salt and agave nectar
One thing that I feel people worry about with a raw food diet is the prospect of time involved in food preparation. While this is a valid concern and much of what can be prepared is time-consuming, I just wanted to point out that there are many ways in which raw foods can be easier than any other kind! I've been feeling a bit under the weather the last few days and have hardly felt like preparing food and I have found plenty of ways around it. Bite into an apple; peel a banana; simple, simple simple!

You want something with a little more pizzazz, you say?  I just made a fresh and delicious dinner of mango pico de gallo on top of veggie crackers, and one of my favorites, fresh avocado with sea salt and agave. The pico was pre-made, but raw and fresh from my local grocer and the crackers are raw and organic, bought from my local health food store. Expensive? Not really. The 1/2 avocado was about $0.75 and the crackers, while fairly pricey at perhaps $5 per container, are so heavy and nutrient-dense from all the seeds in them you only need a little to be satisfied. The pico was about $3 for 12 ounces and I barely made a dent. All together, maybe $2 for the meal. Note: I had already started eating when I remembered to take the picture, so it was a bit larger of a meal than is pictured.

What I mentioned above about the crackers being nutrient-dense and heavy reminded me of something I wanted to point out. Another common misconception is that the only raw foods there are to eat are veggie sticks and salads. How could you get full off of that? Well, it's hard, unless you transition to that. In the meantime, eat more and eat dense to satisfy any cravings you might have for rich and creamy foods or junk foods. Use things that are high in fat like avocado, nuts and seeds to help fill you up. As long as your diet is clean, this will not make you gain weight. These are healthy fats. They're good for you!

Other things I've done while not feeling well: eating out at a salad bar; eating plain fresh produce, as mentioned above; munching on kale chips and other healthy raw snacks; and juicing grapefruit.

Between having a very successful trip to Dallas for 5 days and being able to eat raw easily and joyfully while fighting a cold, I'm feeling more and more confident that this lifestyle does not have to be difficult! Like most things, it just requires some adjustment, which I'm enjoying experiencing.

Be well & much love!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Raw Bliss in Dallas

I am so lucky and spoiled! When I arrived at my brother's in Dallas today I was greeted in the kitchen by seven bags of variously flavored kale chips bought in anticipation of my arrival by my brother's partner, Jamie. Next to these was a book, Nature's First Law: The Raw-food Diet, by Stephen Arlin, Fouad Dini, and David Wolfe. As if this wasn't enough, there is a cookie jar full of Lärabars, a fresh bag of grapes in the fridge, and a large glass jar full of raw nuts. I was simply overwhelmed by the kindness and thoughtfulness that went into their preparation for my visit. I mentioned in my last blog that I was going to do better about being prepared for eating "raw on the run", and while I did try to prepare more for this, he made it completely unnecessary, not to mention infinitely more tasty than what I had anticipated based on what I brought with me. So I snacked on much of this after I arrived, and for dinner we went out to Souper Salad and I was able to get two big delicious salads that were very satisfying.

Even all of that is just a preamble to the amazing dinner we just ate at Be Raw Food and Juice. I have been so incredibly excited to check out a raw food restaurant and am super happy to have gotten to with these two great guys in Dallas. As it was a special occasion, what with being together and trying a new raw restaurant for the first time, we splurged and got a little bit of everything. I am so full. Nate got the California Roll and a Hemp Horchata. Jamie got the Coconut Curry Soup, Rawsagna, and Pad Thai. I got the Vietnamese Pho Soup, Coconut Kale Enchiladas, the pizza sampler (included 2 slices each of the Margherita, California, and Greek pizza), and the Minty Hemp Elixir. We all shared each thing we got and ended up being able to try quite a bit from their menu. There wasn't a single thing that any of us disliked and there were several things that we went on and on about. I loved the elixirs. My Minty Hemp Elixir was so fresh and minty, and Nate's horchata was very smooth and sweet with just the right amount of cinnamon.

Front: California Roll. Back: Margherita Pizza. (Failed to get any pictures of untouched platters. Sorry)
The restaurant was small and the atmosphere was very cozy. I could probably move into the bathroom, it was so cozy and smelled so good; not to mention its close proximity to the kitchen. Our server was sweet and soft-spoken, and I'd say the service was quite good. Whether that was merely because there were so few customers there, I do not know.

California Roll
As we were wrapping up with our food, Jamie ordered the cookies & cream cheesecake and a brownie with strawberry sauce. We took these home to give our food a bit of time to digest, and promptly devoured them upon arrival. These too were absolutely delicious, particularly the cheesecake.
Left: Cookies & Cream Cheesecake. Right: Brownie.

While still in Austin, I had every intention of exercising in Dallas. The odds were against me, but I busted out a mile run in the rain, wearing old, thin street shoes, just to keep my commitment to myself. Well, and to my friend too. I had been telling her how soft I've gotten in Texas with the warmer weather. I used to bundle up in Utah in the snow and go running. I haven't done that here in nearly two years (if memory serves) because 40 degrees is too cold (as opposed to 20 or 30 in Utah?). So it felt really good to pull out the old winter running clothes, layer up, and run. I had forgotten how invigorating a cold, drizzly run could be. It was quite nice. I may have gone longer, but I've heard bad things about going long distances with an extreme and sudden change in shoe type.

So I guess that's about it for now. As I've heard some raw foodies say recently, I am just so "blissed out". ;)

Much love

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Raw on the Run

All the brown paper bags are various veggie/nut chips and
crackers. The bar in the front is a Raw Revolution peanut butter
cup bar. To the left of that are sprouted garlic sunflower seeds,
and to the right is a live pumpkin bar. Comment for more info.
Throughout the majority of the time I've been exploring the raw food world I've been on a break from school and work, sitting at home being antisocial, absorbing everything I can through books, YouTube, articles and blogs, and applying my knowledge at the stores and in the kitchen. It has been a wonderful time. Like, seriously wonderful. As I've mentioned in previous blogs, I'm feeling well and happy, my weight is quite rapidly getting back to what it used to be, and I'm learning a lot. Somewhat out of the blue, and without much forethought on my part, I found myself within the span of a few days going out to two movies, socializing, getting back at the gym and feeling very busy compared to what I had gotten used to. This has been incredibly fun, but has also been a huge lesson in the importance of scheduling your food preparation and eating times around your activities as well as bringing healthy snacks with you when you go out. On many of the last several days, my food consumption dropped to something along the lines of 1 green smoothie and a coconut water protein drink for the entire day. Oddly, I didn't find myself feeling hungry and I'm not sure yet what's up with that (queue Saturday Night Live "What's up with that" skit music), but it seems potentially unhealthy. I do tend to trust my intuition and try to listen to my body, and to that end I think it was fine. In the long run I would feel differently though, and want to at the very least be on the lookout for such potentially unhealthy patterns. On the other hand, many believe that a calorie restricted diet increases longevity, and there's much out there to back this up. I suppose for now I could think of it as something along the lines of a brief fast. What I hope to take from this, especially as I'm watching the days of work and school rapidly drawing near, is to always have a stash of raw food on the go; stuff like flax crackers, dried seaweed, dehydrated fruits and veggies, raw nuts and seeds. I actually have all the snacks pictured above, but forget to bring them with me. I'm headed to Dallas tomorrow for a few days and will take those along. These are quite pricey to be buying as a fix-all, but luckily I invested in an Excalibur food dehydrator and think this will more than pay for itself as I make super nutrient dense homemade flax crackers and the like. I'm really excited to play around with the dehydrator. In fact, I'm currently using it for the first time ever dehydrating apples that I soaked in lemon juice for a minute and then covered in agave nectar and cinnamon. Hope they turn out and I can take them to Dallas with me. See? Learning my lesson... ;)

Long slow run: 7.3 miles, 90 minutes, 781 calories
On a more positive note, I present to you Raw on the Run part II! I've been feeling really well at the gym lately. When I run, I can tell the difference from having dropped some weight, and my knees seem to be getting better from said weight loss and/or the stretches and exercises I've been doing for them. Also, I've finally been getting in some resistance training and am feeling more and more confident that you can get plenty of protein from this type of diet. Yesterday I did a 7.3 mile run, the farthest I've done in probably close to 2 years, and while I was quite exhausted from it, I felt just as good or better than other times I've pushed myself so hard. I even had the energy after 80 minutes to work up to an 8.5 mph sprint, which is approaching my max speed. Before the run, I had a high calorie fruit smoothie, knowing I'd need the energy for a long workout at the gym. I also brought a big bottle of water with lemon juice and molasses for some extra fuel to keep me going through the run. Sounds weird, I know, but it seems to work. Also, raw blackstrap molasses is high in iron and the vitamin C in the lemon helps the body absorb this iron more readily. Then on my way home, I stopped at the health food store for coconut water (a good recovery drink). I ended up drinking a good 16 ounces of coconut water with protein powder, then running to my friend's where I stayed for several hours, and eating an apple on the way home (Hey! I guess I did prepare a little!). So my total food intake was a smoothie, an apple, and two drinks, basically. Along with a 700+ calorie burn from the run, I don't know if this is great for the potential weight loss, or just really unhealthy. When these types of things happen, I do at least try very hard to make what little I do eat is very nutrient dense and catered to my activity for the day. On a minimal exercise day I eat lots of dark leafy greens and veggies and less nuts, seeds, avocados and fats. On a big exercise day I'll try to get more carbs and proteins, as well as minerals and electrolytes to refuel my body.

Anyway, looks like I'll always be learning, and I think this is as it should be!

Until next time...
Much love

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Popcorn Siren

There it sits on the seat next to me as I drive home from the movie theater; the popcorn bucket, softly calling out to me, "Deeevaaaan... Ooooh Deeeeeevaaaaan. Can you hear me? Can you smell me? You don't have to save ALL of this mouthwatering deliciousness for your sisters. Go ahead. Have a bite. Just one bite. You managed to eat a single kernel at the theater without losing control. Just one crunchy, buttery, salty, delicious bite." I reach over and grab a single piece... reach over and grab two more. That was delightful, I don't need anymore. So why is my hand wandering over to the bucket again? And again. And again. And again. And... Good lord, why is the bucket nearly empty???!!! Sigh... Oh you devilish, rascally little kernels, undermining me in such a way.

So this is the part in previous attempts in dietary changes where I've often said, "Oh, well I screwed up. Guess it's over." Well not this time, buddy! I actually feel very ok with my little junk food relapse. It's all part of the process, or journey, if you will. I actually had to laugh at it a bit, my temporary frenzy. I saw little images in my mind of popcorn flying out of my mouth and hands; little crumbs forming a cloud around me as I sob into the bucket. I didn't by any means actually feel this way, it was just a comical image that entered my mind. I considered not even talking about this, but that would go against everything this blog stands for. My intentions are to share my journey with you; the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the amazing, the awkward, etc.

What is really good about this experience is I was able to use it as a gauge to see how my body has changed since going high-raw. I've always gotten mild headaches from eating large amounts of movie theater popcorn. I can tell my body liked it even less than before. While I did eat much more popcorn than I had wanted, it really was only maybe a third of the bucket (I accidentally spilled much of it on the floor of my friend's car. You were so gracious. Thank you!), and I feel the same right now as I used to when I would eat probably nearly a whole bucketful along with a 32 oz drink. I have heard stories about how as your body adjusts to healthy, nutrient-dense foods, it starts to reject unhealthy foods more. Some people view this as the veganism, raw food diet, etc., making people sickly or unable to "handle" anything. What many people in the raw foods movement say, however, and this makes sense to me, is that it's more related to building up tolerances. Matt Monarch of the Raw Food World likens it to how we would die if we consumed a teaspoon of arsenic, but were we to take a drop every week, then every other day, then every day, and so on, we'd eventually build up a tolerance. Well, the same goes for food. As babies we live off of mother's milk. We move on to fruits and veggies. Next thing we know we're eating bread, animal crackers, birthday cake, and finally Mcdonald's happy meals. If you gave the newborn these junk foods right away they'd likely get very sick, but slowly introduce them to it and they're fine. Well, supposedly the same thing works in reverse. We can lose our tolerance for unhealthy foods as our bodies become more pure. I don't know the science behind this, or if it's even true, but it kind of makes sense to me, and I don't feel that losing my tolerance for junk food is necessarily something I'm going to feel to bad about. I think it's actually a very exciting prospect. None of us really want to eat junk food. It tastes good and is briefly satisfying, but that's about it, and we know it's horrible for out bodies.

So, to wrap this up, I had a little adventure today, don't feel any remorse about it, and am moving forward with joy. I'm even open to this happening again. Who knows, maybe next time I'll feel gross after only a handful of it... and be ever so grateful. ;)

Much love to you all!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Back to Work

I finally made it back to the gym after a couple weeks with only one visit. I expected it to be packed with "resolutioners", but to my surprise it wasn't bad at all. On my way there I found a tiny dog running off to the side of the road without a collar. I tried to get close, but it barked like crazy. I chased it for about half a mile as I was on the phone with animal control. It's owner ended up coming and I ran back to my car. So, I got a good mile warm up on my way, then when I got there I did another 5 minute warm up on the treadmill just to be safe, 20 minutes of hill repeats (2 minutes at an incline of 10, 2 minutes at 0), and then a 5 minute cooldown. Next I did lots of stretching, some specific exercises for fixing my knee pain, strength training (abs, quads, triceps, shoulders and chest), followed by more stretching. I felt SO great when I was done. Glad to be back. I have a half marathon in February and I have a lot of work to do!

Here's what I ate today. Not much, but I followed my instincts, ate what felt right to me, and felt really well all day. I got a little hungry around 10pm or so, but (partially influenced by a friend; thank you) decided to not eat so late. I've been trying to do better with that anyway, but got off track during the holidays a bit.
  • 1/2 of a humongous apple
  • 1 serving raw protein powder
  • Juice (probably over 24 oz): purple carrot, carrot greens, beets, beet greens, spinach, celery, apple, lemon, fennel
  • Maca, chlorella, fiber w/herbs, flax, and chia mixed into 24 oz. water and sweetened with stevia
Hope to have some more recipes and interesting tidbits for you soon!
Much love

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Adventures in Restaurant Land

This morning was my first time eating out since going raw! Well, ordering something, anyway. I've been avoiding this and even somewhat dreading it, thinking that it would (a) be too hard to find something pleasurable to order; or (b) Somehow be uncomfortable for whoever I was with. Weirdly, both times I've been out were at IHOP. The first time I just drank coffee, and it was with my siblings who knew about my lifestyle and knew I was just going along for the company. This morning, however, I was with a friend who I was meeting in person for the first time. He also knew from my blogs that I have been eating raw, but I had still been wondering if my diet would make things uncomfortable at all if we were to eat out together. Luckily, he was very kind, gracious, and even supportive/encouraging about my food choices in general, and there was not any confusion or awkwardness about it. Then again, when asked if I wanted to go eat, my response was literally, "If you won't get mad at me for ordering a bowl of fruit". Good strategy, right? Just put it out there. Haha. ;) So that was nice and refreshing. I mean, I know these things will come up in the future, and probably with much less pleasant results. I've just been thinking I need to get used to things like eating raw on the go and eating raw while dining out with people.

On to yesterday's and today's food intake. They were rather weird and scattered again. I'm hoping to get back into a more regular routine of green smoothies and energy soup again, but the last couple days I've largely been grazing. I do believe in trusting your body and not forcing yourself into too strict of routines, which is part why I hardly ate anything all day today and when I finally did it was pretty much just a plate of veggies. On the other hand, I like to see that in general I'm trying to get a wide variety of foods and their corresponding nutrients into my body, and a great way of doing this is smoothies and energy soup.

  • Juice of 3 grapefruits and an apple
  • Green smoothie: 1 bunch of spinach, 1 cup blueberries, a handful of cranberries, 1 T ground flax seeds, 1 T chia seeds, 2 T Irish moss, 1 B12 vitamin, 1 date, 1 dropper of stevia, water to liquid consistency. 
  • A few bites of a disgusting energy soup I made out of the "Brussels sprouts" I got from the farmers market that weren't really Brussels sprouts, cucumber, watermelon radish, garlic, avocado, salt, flax seed oil, and water
  • 1 avocado covered in agave and sea salt (One of the yummiest snacks EVER!)
  • Crumbs at the bottom of the bag of tarragon dijon kale chips
  • Crumbs at the bottom of the bag of sea salt and vinegar kale sesame kale chips
  • 1 fairly large slice of my Chocolate Coconut Custard Pie drizzled with agave
  • 1 decaf coffee that I ended up dumping the last few swallows of
  • 1 wine glass full of kombucha to toast in the new year
  • Bowl of mixed fruit
  • Tall glass of grapefruit juice
  • Chlorella
  • Kombucha
  • 1/2 banana
  • 2 tomatoes, 2 watermelon radishes, and 1/2 cucumber with salt, flax seed oil, red chili pepper sauce, and wasabi sauce
  • 1 T flax seeds
  • 1 T chia seeds
  • 1 T hemp seeds (hemp hearts)
Much love