Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thus Far

Ok, so I tried for the longest time to record a video to upload, thinking it would be quicker and easier than typing this all up, but alas, I spent all that time trying and am now typing it all up anyway; stupid lousy internet connections, laptop that needs a microphone, and inexperience with using my laptop cam. 

Now to the point. I wanted to give an overview of when and why I dove into raw foods. I might go into more details upon request, but for now I'll just say I started November 24, 2012 because I realized I needed to make a radical, permanent change in my life. Over the last few years, despite being vegetarian and intermittently vegan, I managed to become about 45 lbs overweight by slipping into unhealthy eating and drinking patterns within those parameters. The realization and acceptance of how unhealthy some of my habits had become, combined with a weigh-in at a new record high, pretty much handed me a bigger determination than I've ever had to make real and lasting change. I spent hours online, and found raw foods. I had heard of living on a raw food diet before, but it never spoke to me. Somehow it suddenly sounded and felt right. I found The Raw Food World and their TV Show and fell in love with Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes-Monarch and basically went from there. I will share more about what resources I've come across in future posts. 

So how has it gone so far? I started out weighing 178 lbs one month ago and am already down 17 lbs to 161.  This includes the last few days over Christmas, which saw no weight gain, and if anything a little loss. 

What has my diet been like? Because I started before I had learned much, I began with fresh fruits and veggies, raw nuts and seeds and green smoothies, which I had already incorporated into my vegetarian/vegan diet. As I learned more, I began making energy soups (cold green vegetable soups made in a vitamix; Raw Food World Recipe) and sprouting. Then I started adding in more superfoods and raw staples such as dulse and kelp (sea veggies).  More recently I have actually been playing with recipes such as raw vegan zucchini lasagna, zucchini "mac & cheese", and raw pumpkin pie. I will post recipes in the future. 

I am absolutely loving this lifestyle so far. I went through a minor detox period where I felt ran down and had constant headaches for a few days, but after the first week I started feeling better and better. Now, after only a month, I feel better than I have in at least a couple years.

I'm considering posting some progress pictures, but do worry about scaring people away. ;) Maybe I'll just stick to recipes of my food creations. 

Anyway, I'm sorry for the disjointedness of this blog. Hopefully they will get better as I get more used to writing again, and specifically blogging. I look forward to sharing more.

Much love

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